Monday, January 25, 2010

New Blog Style Website

As you can see, we've changed the Support Your Local Bike Shop site a bit. We decided to convert it to a blog, so now you can link directly to and comment on posts. Alternately, if you work in a shop that has received Support Your Local Bike Shop shirts, we'd love to hear from you. Send us a shot of your staff wearing the shirts and a shop bio and we'll post it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Craig's FBM Sword

Check out Craig's FBM Sword Fixie he built up over the summer. Of course he's showing the LBS love.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Support Your Local Bike Shop

There’s only one place where you can buy bike parts, buy a complete bicycle assembled properly by a professional bike mechanic, drop your bike off for a tune-up or get expert advice on anything you need to know about bikes and that’s Your Local Bike Shop.

This is the reason we, at 1664, have started the “SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BIKE SHOP” campaign to raise awareness of the Huge role Local Bike Shops play in every community they’re in. Local bike shops provide a level of service and expertise that Mailorders and Large Chain Stores simply can’t. That’s why we’ve decided to let everyone know why it makes sense to Support Your Local Bike Shop.

Here’s just a few reasons:

Local bike shops can ensure that a purchased bike is properly assembled by a professional mechanic and can provide consistent service afterwards for tune-ups and other work.

∙ Local bike shops provide the convenience of dealing with warranty on behalf of customers. Unlike mailorders where customers have to deal with the hassle of shipping back product and waiting while the company deals with the distributor.

∙ Employees at local shops ride the bikes and parts that they sell and are the most knowledgeable people you’ll meet when looking for bikes, parts and accessories.

∙ Buying at a local shop is a great way for customers to avoid mailorder shipping charges, duty and brokerage fees, not to mention the time they have to wait to receive the product.

∙ Local Shops support the scene and are the people spearheading most major projects, jams, contests and local rider sponsorship.

These are just a few reasons why it makes sense to deal with and support a Local Bike Shop. To promote this idea we’ve printed these sweet T-Shirts and Stickers and we’ll be sending a limited number out to shops for employees. Additional shirts will be available at cost, so get in touch if you want to kit up your entire staff or get these out on the floor for sale at a really great price!

Local Bike Shops are the reason the Bike Industry is where it is today and we’re here to keep people reminded of that!