Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Momentum Cycle Custom T's

Momemtum Cycle in Barrie, ON got in on some custom SYLBS T's and they're looking good! If you're in the area be sure to pick one up and rep it!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Support Your Local Beer!

We back this sticker mod 100% because we love local bike shops and we also love local beer! As does our homie Mike Fiz who came up with this one.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brody Flood Reppin' It

Check out this edit from Orangeville, ON local Brody Flood, he's reppin' the SYLBS on his headtube in the first shot, thanks for the support Brody! He's doing it for Broken Boards and Bikes too, great bike and board shop in Shelburne, ON. Thanks to Repset for the heads-up on this one, that crew is fully down with the SYLBS and we really appreciate it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Smooth Cycle Custom T's

Smooth Cycle ordered up some Custom SYLBS T's for the shop and have them fully stocked, but we're sure they won't last too long so make sure you grab one if you're in the area!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

SYLBS Gear Stocked Up!

Our shelves are once again topped up with SYLBS T's, Stickers and Bags, they're always moving quick so get your orders in!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cyclepath Medicine Hat

There are few shops who do it better than Cyclepath Medicine Hat. Greg, Cole and the whole crew are always down to help out the scene with jams, video premieres and in-store appearances. Here's a few pics of their Custom SYLBS T's on display and the staff reppin' the T's along with a couple of bands that played at their This Is United Premiere last week, keep up the awesome work guys!

Monday, September 27, 2010


XS-iV in Estavan, SK printed some custom SYLBS on our last run and they're looking good stocked up in the shop!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coxie Reppin It

Looks like our boy Coxie had a zipper failure and had to change up carrying style, not as effective as on the back but it gets the job done, at least he's doing it in style with a SYLBS T. Spotted on the United Twitter

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Woodcock Cycle

The Custom SYLBS T's landed last week and have been shipped out so if they aren't in your local shop already they should be within the next week! Woodcock Cycle sent us over a photo of their Custom T's proudly on display, looks great guys! Keep an eye out for photo's of everyone's Custom SYLBS T's over the next little while..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

SYLBS Custom Shop List Part 2

Here's Part 2 of 2 of the list of SYLBS Custom Shops, make sure to check out their sites and if you're in the area check out their shops, we'll be posting up the custom T's as they're available, keep an eye out for that!

The Bicycle Shop - Sarnia, ON
Transition BMX - Edmonton, AB
Woodcock Cycles - Winnipeg, MB
XS-iV - Estevan, SK

Friday, August 27, 2010

SYLBS Custom Shop List Part 1

We mentioned the Custom SYLBS Shop T's a couple of posts down and had an immediate response, the shirts are off at the printers right now and should be in these shops in the next couple of weeks, here's Part 1 of 2 of the list of SYLBS Custom Shops, make sure to check out their sites and if you're in the area check out their shops!

- Cyclepath Medicine Hat - Medicine Hat, AB
- Gene's - Prince Albert, SK
- Momentum - Barrie, ON
- Mud, Sweat and Gears - Sherwood Park, AB
- Smooth Cycle - Charlottetown, PEI

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Incline Industries

We were in Sylvan Lake this past weekend putting on the 1664 Bonesaw Jam at Shake The Lake, it was an awesome time for all of the 100+ riders in attendance. Our homie Shane from Incline Industries was spotted reppin' the SYLBS and I was able snap a quick (and kinda blurry) pic before he headed out the door. Thanks to the great crew at Incline for supporting the local scene, another great example of why you should Support Your Local Bike Shop!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jeremy Gallant Reppin'

Our Boy Jeremy Gallant made a quick trip through NS and NB hitting up a few skateparks and sent over this photo of him throwing a tuck no-hander reppin' the SYLBS T, good look!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Custom SYLBS T's!

If you're one of the many bike shops that carries our SYLBS T's you know they're what the people want, now you can take the next step and have your own Customer SYLBS T's with your shop logo on them! Be sure to get in touch with us for all the info!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cory Beal in Kenora

Our boy Cory Beal sent over this update for the Blog, always reppin' it...

Spent a weekend in Kenora recently to stack clips, BBQ up some goodies, and enjoy the water / sunshine / lager. Kenora is a city for rail riders. It seemed like there was a perfect rail setup on every other block. I don't know if it's because of the hills or because they don't believe in ledges, but it was awesome. We found this baby little rail behind a school. It's almost perfect enough to be in a skatepark. I fired this quick crooks out while my homie Phil Haaksma filmed it in his Support Your Local Bikeshop tee, while Tyler Horton snapped a photo. If you're ever in Kenora, make sure you hit up the skatepark and find some locals to show you around.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Moose Jaw Downtown Days

I was checking out some pics from Downtown Days in Moose Jaw that Darren from Modern Evolution posted on facebook and came across this sweet pic of one of the locals throwing down a whip and reppin' his Local Bike Shop, good look!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Our boy Will Fisher sent over this pic of Tyler Jordan reppin' is SYLBS T at the local park, thanks for the support Tyler!

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Bike

I was finishing off a roll of Black & White when we were in SK a couple of weeks ago so I figured I'd take some shots of my freshened up bike, I always like to show my support to companies and things I believe in so on the front of my bike I'm showing support for two things that I stand behind 100%, SYLBS and Stay Strong. - Craig

Friday, May 28, 2010

Larry Alvarado/Isaac Barnes

Isaac just got back from Cali and here's a photo of him taking one for the team while Larry Alvarado films and proudly wears his SYLBS T

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Edmonton Bike Polo

Neil from the Edmonton Bike Polo crew hit us up with a sweet photo of some of the founding members that was shot for a story in the Edmonton Journal, you can spot a couple of SYLBS stickers in there, these guys have been reppin' since day one, you can check em out here

Friday, May 21, 2010

Smooth Cycle - Charlottetown, PEI

Robert from Smooth Cycle in Charlottetown PEI sent me over a pic of him reppin the FBC and his homie Simon with a SYLBS T in full effect. If you're in PEI, check out Smooth Cycle; Jared, Spencer, Robert, Fred and the whole crew are super friendly and knowledgeable and always well stocked with the best brands out there!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Repset X Wanye Hartman

Repset did a post about SYLBS and put up this photo of Wayne Hartman killin' it in Winnipeg and reppin' his SYLBS T. Photo by Brad Hill.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bike Doctor - Saskatoon, SK

Another one of our stops on our Saskatchewan roadtrip was Bike Doctor in Saskatoon, a really great shop with tons of great bmx bikes and parts, Gerald (the guy hiding behind the Eastern Bikes, and laying down a sweet feeble grind in our flip cam edit) or any of the staff would be more than glad to help you out for all of your bmx needs, if you're in Saskatoon be sure to check out Bike Doctor!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gene's - Prince Albert, SK

Another stop on our trip through Saskatoon was Gene's in Prince Albert, the scene there is huge for the population (under 40k) and Gene's has the BMX section to support it, tons of bikes, parts, accessories, clothing and shoes to keep the riders stoked! Chad and the rest of the crew are doing a great job supporting the local scene and are a great example of why you should be supporting your local bike shop!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Doug's Spoke N' Sport - Saskatoon, SK

We had a great trip into Saskatchewan this weekend and it started off by check out Doug's Spoke N' Sport in Saskatoon. There's a great crew of bmx guys working there with a great bmx section carrying some of the best brands as soon as you walk in the front door.  If you're in the area be sure to check them out!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


One of our biggest supporters of the Support Your Local Bike Shop campaign is Cycle Solutions in Corner Brook, NL. We stopped in the other day to check out the shop and catch up with Pete, Annette and Shannon, this is a great shop with great products and staff, definitely an asset to the Corner Brook area! And as if this wasn't enough there's a full coffee shop called Brewed Awakening connected to it and even they're repping the SYLBS gear! Thanks a lot to the crew at Cycle Solutions for some more great East Coast Hospitality, if you're in the area check out this shop, they're a another great reason to Support You Local Bike Shop! Check out some pics below...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A few days ago we were lucky enough to be able to check out one of the best shops in Canada, Cychotic Bikes.  The scene in St. John's NL is really lucky to have a shop this nice and stocked up with the best brands in BMX! Not only that but they've got awesome staff from the owner Andrew to the guys helping out Jamie, Mike and Jamal. This is a perfect example of Supporting your local bike shop, the locals support it and it's one of the nicest shops out there! Check out some pics below and a big thanks to Andrew and the crew for the great east coast hospitality!